
Letters : Burbank Airport Expansion

The Reno air crash is another grim reminder that such a tragedy will occur in the Valley. In fact, the ever-increasing traffic at the Burbank airport hastens the day when a plane will crash through residences and schools.

While homeowners futilely try to stop this threat, the momentum for airport expansion builds. The entrenched and growing airport bureaucracy is out “selling” airport expansion. When the new terminal is approved, there will never be a chance to get rid of the airport or, at least, stop more and more flights.

Burbank voters approved the “bail-out” of Lockheed when it unloaded its “white elephant” on the city because they were told a city takeover was the only way to keep Lockheed in Burbank. Now the executive offices are moving, and long-range plans, I have heard, are for many more functions to move to Rye Canyon and Palmdale. Lockheed will be gone, and homeowners will be stuck with the airport blight.


Burbank City Council candidates should be taking stands on this vital issue instead of issuing their platitudes and self-praise.


