
Airlines Serving California Add $22 Billion to Economy

Times Staff Writer

The airlines serving California contribute, either directly or indirectly, more than $22 billion to the state’s economy, according to a study by the Air Transport Assn., an airline industry trade group.

The ATA study found that more than 90 airlines serve California, employing 57,600 people in the state and paying them a total of about $2 billion annually.

More than 23,000 people work for the 75 airlines serving Los Angeles, and they earn a total of more than $750 million annually, the study said. Airlines employ 3,450 people in San Diego, with a total annual payroll of more than $113 million.


The airlines serving California buy more than $4.7 billion annually in goods and services in the state, the study said. Such purchases range from aircraft and engine parts to food and catering services.

The association said that, in addition to the people directly employed by the airlines, thousands of others work at airports in non-airline jobs. It said the state’s travel agencies employ 28,000 and account for more than $4.5 billion annually in air travel sales.

The study also included data on taxes paid by airline employees, landing fees and rentals paid to airports by the carriers and spending in the state by air travelers.
