
Eastman Kodak, Rochester, N.Y., reported that the...

Eastman Kodak, Rochester, N.Y., reported that the Justice Department has requested additional information on its proposed acquisition of Sunnyvale, Calif.-based Verbatim . . . A spokesman for Storer Communications said the firm has asked the full Federal Communications Commission to overturn a decision by its staff that says that a dissident shareholder group does not need to file a lengthy application for a proposed change of control of the firm . . . San Diego-based Oak Industries completed its debenture exchange offer whereby holders of 79% of the company’s $230 million principal amount of outstanding debentures tendered their debentures in response to an offer, which commenced Feb. 8 . . . Los Angeles-based Western Airlines reported that it flew 893 million revenue passenger miles last month, up 7.2% from a year earlier . . . Diagnostic Data, Mountain View, Calif., has changed its name to DDI Pharmaceuticals.
