
Dues Structure Simplified by Building Assn.

The number of dues categories for members of the Building Industry Assn. of Southern California has been reduced from 16 to four, a change the group’s board of directors said will cut significantly the dues paid by most companies.

The new categories and annual dues, adopted unanimously by the board, are: builders doing an annual gross volume up to $3 million, $850; from $3 to $15 million, $1,500; from $15 to $25 million, $2,500, and over $25 million, $3,500.

The new figure for the top category is $500 less than before, which previously was paid by builders with a total gross volume of $5 million, the association’s announcement said.


The $450 dues amount for associate and subcontractor members was not changed, while the amount for the Members From Industry category, composed of major financial institutions, title companies and manufacturers, was raised from $2,662 to $3,000.
