
Brand Blvd. to Get New Bridge

A one-block stretch of Brand Boulevard north of the Ventura Freeway will be closed to all traffic for five months beginning in late June, Glendale city officials have announced.

The City Council has approved the $1.2-million replacement of bridges over the Verdugo Wash with a six-lane bridge. The cost will be shared equally by the city and Los Angeles County.

George Miller, city public works director, said the project will require rerouting traffic off Brand Boulevard until bridge construction is completed in late November. The boulevard will be closed between Glenoaks Boulevard and Burchett Street.


There are now two bridges with two lanes each over the wash. Miller said the bridges do not provide adequate space for northbound traffic to turn left at Glenoaks Boulevard without impeding the flow of through traffic. The bridges will be replaced with a single wide bridge with a long northbound left-turn lane, he said.
