

On April 14, Calendar Q appealed for fresh, new ideas to help save network TV. The responses continue to continue.

Please advise Jon C. Liebling of Beverly Hills (the creator of “Miami Lice”) that “Los Angeles detectives fight anthropods in Fun City” is an impossibility that robs Liebling of what little credibility his production company ever claimed (“Saving Network TV: The People Respond,” April 21).

There are no “anthropods,” Liebling!

There are anthropoids (large, tailless semi-erect apes) and there are arthropods (a phylum of insects, arachnids and crustaceans), and if Liebling is trying to package an hour with a protagonist who is half semi-erect manlike creature and half arthropod, say a common crab louse, then he has reached a new low in high concept.



El Cajon
