
COMMENCEMENT 1985 : University of Southern California

The University of Southern California held its 102nd spring graduation ceremony Friday in USC’s Alumni Memorial Park.

Degrees: 6,700 students, including 2,750 undergraduates, 2,800 master’s degree candidates, 400 doctoral candidates and 650 professional degrees.

Speakers: Simon Ramo, co-founder and director of TRW Inc., predicted that the nuclear arms dilemma would be solved by the year 2000. Ramo, a member of the National Science Board, which directed the ICBM missile program, said that by then, both the United States and the Soviet Union would perceive that nuclear weapons are useless and would use the money they save in other ways. Also addressing the graduates were co-valedictorians Frederick L. Wehling and Michael P. Reilly.


Honorary Degrees:

Sir James Lighthill, mathematician, provost of University College, London, and the world’s foremost authority on fluid mechanics, doctor of science: “The range of his penetrating interest has embraced river floods, ocean currents, supersonic phenomena, cosmic clouds, aquatic animal propulsion, and sound propagation through moving fluids. To scholars everywhere he presents an enduring inspiration. . . . “

Rufino Tamayo, the Mexican artist, doctor of fine arts: He “is easily among the most distinguished visual artists of our time. His paintings rival those of any major figure in modern art.”

Frank B. Freidel Jr., historian, doctor of literature: He “has contributed bountifully to America’s knowledge of itself in 4 1/2 decades of acclaimed historical scholarship.”


William S. Paley, founder and executive committee chairman of the board of CBS Inc., doctor of laws: “His guidance of the Columbia Broadcasting System, for more than five decades, elevated an initially small company to greatness and dominance in television as well as radio.”
