
Glendale Sees Little Change in Its Budget

City services in Glendale will remain basically unchanged if the $184-million budget for 1985-86 proposed this week is adopted, city officials announced.

The traditionally conservative budget, given Tuesday to the City Council by City Manager James Rez, provides for an increase of $3.4 million in spending over the current budget.

Much of the increase will go to make extensive improvements to sewage treatment facilities, said Rez, and a rate increase in sewer operation fees is proposed. No other major increases in taxes or rates are included in the budget.


Sewage Hike Not Released

Details of the sewage rate increase have not yet been released by the city. However, Rez said the city expects to spend $3.9 million this year as its share of extensive capital improvements at the Hyperion Sewer Treatment Plant near El Segundo where the city’s sewage is treated.

Glendale’s city budget is divided into two sections. The government budget provides for general city services, police and fire protection and is supported by state and city taxes. The enterprise budget encompasses income-producing services such as parking facilities, sewage disposal, refuse collection and water and electric utilities. Services provided in the enterprise budget are expected to be self-supporting, Rez said, and also provide for capital improvements and equipment replacement on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Rez said the city will continue to operate without any general obligation bonded indebtedness, which he said is “an achievement that very few cities this size can claim.” He said the proposed balanced budget is a result of “longstanding conservative fiscal policies” established by prior and current members of City Council. The city expects to complete the fiscal year this month with $10.5 million in its general reserve fund.


General Budget Up 0.9%

The preliminary general budget calls for $73 million in spending, up 0.9% from last year, and provides for normal step increases in salaries for city employees. However, Rez said, negotiations are still under way with city fire employees and the outcome may affect the budget.

The enterprise budget accounts for almost $111 million in spending, about 60% of the total city budget. Rez said inflation as well as improvements to sewer operations have raised the cost of enterprise services by 2.6%.

City Council will hold a study session on the proposed budget on June 7 at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall, 613 E. Broadway. A public hearing is set for June 18 at 2 p.m.
