

I’ve been watching the slow progress of the state lottery and feel the same as many of my friends who voted for the lottery. Any elected official who takes it upon himself or herself to disregard the wishes of the people who he or she has been elected to serve should be held accountable, and in this case it is of course our governor who has chosen to take his good old time in granting our wishes for a lottery by dragging his feet.

The article (June 4), “Commission OKs Instant ‘Scratch-Off’ Games for Lottery,” was another report on the progress of the lottery. Thanks for keeping this in front of the public and also the high cost of the tickets.

I was in Maryland when the lottery began there with 25-cent tickets. Maryland is a small state and the game was intended to be for everyone. In California, one of the largest states in the Union, our cost will be $1 and I’m wondering why the tickets are starting at such a high cost. I only hope that those who made this decision aren’t pricing themselves out of the market.


One thing certain is that this lottery won’t be for the poorer residents of the state.


