
Claims Talks Aim Only to Free TWA Hostages : U.S. Ignores Other Victims, Sister Says

Associated Press

The sister of one of seven Americans kidnaped in Lebanon before the TWA hijacking said today that the U.S. government appears to be ignoring them while working for release of those abducted from the hijacked jet.

Peggy Say, sister of kidnaped Associated Press correspondent Terry Anderson, said she fears he and the other six Americans abducted since March, 1984, are being left out of rescue efforts.

“I saw what they were doing for the TWA people. I saw a task force at work and saw high-level meetings and I saw pressure being exerted on other countries, working through third parties,” Say said on NBC’s “Today” show.


“I saw President Reagan meeting with families, meetings that we had requested over the past year and had been told, when we did get a reply, that he was much too busy to see us.”

In Beirut today, Shia Muslim leader Nabih Berri said that two Frenchmen kidnaped on May 22 will be freed once the hostage crisis is settled. He did not mention the seven Americans. One Briton also is being held.

Say said she expects that the hijacking abductees will return home before the seven others, “and I’ve been told that by the State Department--that they are not being asked for in any comprehensive release and (that) for me to try to get Terry released along with the others would simply complicate matters.”


At the White House, presidential spokesman Larry Speakes said he was not aware that Say or other family members of the seven kidnap victims had asked to see Reagan.

He refused comment on her remark that she was being advised by the State Department not to “complicate matters” by seeking to win Anderson’s release along with that of the TWA victims.
