
TV’s ‘Masterpiece Theatre’ Producer Joan Wilson

Associated Press

Joan Wilson, producer since 1973 of public television’s “Masterpiece Theatre” series, has died of cancer, station WGBH-TV announced.

“She was ‘Masterpiece Theatre,’ ” the host of the series, Alistair Cooke, was quoted as saying in a statement released by the station after her death Thursday. “She chose the dishes with ruthless care and taste. She supervised their service. I was simply the headwaiter.”

Mrs. Wilson, who was married to British actor Jeremy Brett, introduced a number of British classics, including “I, Claudius,” and “Brideshead Revisited,” to American television.


During her production of the series, “Masterpiece Theatre” won 13 Emmy awards, two Peabody awards and a Christopher award.

She also produced the series “Mystery” that included the British program “Rumpole of the Bailey.”

Mrs. Wilson joined WGBH in 1967 and lived in Marblehead, Mass. Her family said Mrs. Wilson did not wish her age to be disclosed.
