
Trolley Problems

Last Saturday morning my wife and I took the San Diego Trolley from Chula Vista to San Diego’s magnificent Horton Plaza shopping center. It was my wife’s first experience riding the trolley.

At the H Street Station, the station’s only change machine took a woman’s dollar and then indicated “Empty.” As a result, other people and I couldn’t get change. So I went to nearby businesses looking for change, but was greeted with signs saying, “No Change for Trolley Users.” Finally, a block away at a friendly 7-Eleven, I got change.

Luckily, I had change for the station’s ticket machine and received a ticket because a phlegmatic ticket agent on the trolley was ready to hang a $30 fine on me if I lacked one.


Public transportation needs to succeed because downtown San Diego lacks unlimited parking space for the automobile, and older people need transportation so they won’t be stuck in their homes.

Also, I prefer to leave the headaches of driving to the San Diego Trolley, which is clean, quiet and fast. Plus, you can meet congenial people (I owe some of the thoughts in this letter to a fellow passenger).

Obviously, more people will use the trolley if it’s convenient and easy to use. I, therefore, recommend the installation of back-up change machines--they’re vital.



Chula Vista
