
Dodgers Announce Public Sale of Playoff and Series Tickets

The Dodgers have announced they will use postcard entries for the only public sale of 1985 National League championship series and World Series tickets.

To qualify for two championship series tickets, a standard-sized postcard should be mailed to: Los Angeles Dodgers, Championship Series, P.O. Box 200, Los Angeles, CA. 90051. To qualify for two World Series tickets, a standard-sized postcard should be mailed to: Los Angeles Dodgers, World Series, P.O. Box 300, Los Angeles, CA. 90051.

A drawing will be held to determine those persons eligible to purchase two tickets.

The postcard must contain the printed name, address, zip code and telephone number of the sender. Only postcards postmarked Aug. 23 through Aug 30. will be accepted.


If the Dodgers win the National League Western Division title, they would play host to the Eastern champion Oct. 9-10 for Games 1 and 2 of the best-of-seven series, and Oct. 16-17 if Games 6 and 7 are necessary.

If the Dodgers win the league championship series, they would play host to the American League champion in World Series games 3-4-5 on Oct. 22-23-24, providing a fifth game is necessary.
