
‘Star Wars’ Concept

Thank you for publishing the enlightening series clarifying the “Star Wars” program.

I found myself laughing through tears of anger and despair. How could such a farce be actually happening, led by people who are supposed to be intelligent and responsible?

One statement from Livermore physicist Hugh E. DeWitt tells it all. He admits that the President’s proposal was “off the wall” and “foolish,” but he adds that “ . . . obviously the lab is benefiting right now and will continue to benefit, and everybody’s rather happy with the marvelous new work.”

I, for one, have had enough of our government continuing to spend millions and billions of our hard-earned tax money to make a handful of scientists “happy.” I’d like the President to quit listening to the likes of Edward Teller pushing pet technological experiments, and start listening to the American people who need money spent on safe streets, adequate housing, basic nutrition, and accessible and affordable medical care, not to mention a balanced budget.


More power to those scientists who are saying “No” to this costly and dangerous boondoggle. And more power to us, the American people, to first of all take courage to care and become aware of what’s happening and then to demand more from our leaders.


