
New Features Start Today

Beginning in today’s Travel Section is a new feature titled The Times Shopper, which will introduce readers to stores and boutiques around the world where bargains and unusual items are found in abundance.

The opening column features the famous toy shops of New York: F.A.O. Schwarz on fashionable Fifth Avenue, The Last Woundup, Mythology and Pennywhistle on Columbus Avenue. These and others.

Items range from hand-cranked musical toys to a canary that sings and a lion that roars. Other amazing gifts for tots are described by author Jennifer Merin. (Future columns will deal with men’s and women’s fashions, glassware and other items sought by travelers.) See Page 6.


Another feature begins today titled The Bargain Corner, which will tell of dozens of unusual offerings in travel. See Page 14. The author of the first seven columns was the noted travel writer Bruce Hamby, whose untimely death occurred Sept. 24 in Denver.
