
Group Objects to Left-Wing Label

In Sidney S. Watts’ letter of Sept. 29, he refers to an organization in Long Beach called Long Beach Area Citizens Involved (LBACI). He labels the group as “left-wing community activists” and their community newspaper as a “radical alternative” newspaper. He also implies that the group is “socialist.”

I wish to inform your readers that LBACI is neither left-wing, radical nor socialist. It is an 11-year-old, grass-roots, 530-member organization with a program for better government, clean air, renters’ rights and anti-big business control of people’s lives. If that program warrants all that name-labeling, well, so be it.

We will be pleased to send a free copy of our newspaper, Citizen News, and our complete program to anyone who calls or writes us at 2625 E. 3rd St., Long Beach 90814.



President, LBACI
