
Bahais in Danger

There is currently an injustice of historic proportions taking place in Iran. A community, the Bahais, is being systematically destroyed by the fundamentalists in power in Iran.

These people, whose only crime is believing in a religion different than Islam, are being persecuted, harassed, tortured, and often murdered. What is their crime that the authorities in Tehran have to take such extreme measures against these gentle people?

Apparently, there is a great deal of deep-seated jealousy because of the social and economic success of so many of the Bahais, but also, there is the view of them as the “infidel,” because they choose to worship in their own way.


People should write their congressmen and senators, asking them to apply pressure on the government of Iran to cease and desist from these calumnies and murders. Otherwise, it won’t be long before the entire Bahai community is imprisoned or dead.


Los Angeles
