
Shooting Guns on New Year’s Eve

Four adults in this household thoroughly agreed with your editorial “A Mindless Way to Celebrate” (Jan. 5) regarding New Year’s Eve and handguns. Isn’t it time our country grew up?

Compared to England, Sweden, West Germany and Switzerland, the United States is perhaps excusably young enough to perceive itself as a nation of gun-slinging, tall-in-the-saddle, rugged individualists. The price we pay for this flamboyant and irresponsible attitude is high.

In 1985, 105 people were killed by handguns in those European countries mentioned. In the United States, 10,728 were killed!


By contrast to our staggering 10,728 handgun deaths, another young nation suffered only 58 deaths by handguns in 1985. That civilized nation is Israel!


Capistrano Beach
