
President Named for O’Connor Combustor

Jon R. Elmendorf, who has served as executive vice president and chief operating officer of O’Connor Combustor in Fullerton since August 1984, has been named president of the company, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Westinghouse Electric Corp. O’Connor Combustor manufactures furnaces which convert garbage into steam or electrical energy.

Elmendorf, 39, replaces Chadwell O’Connor, the company’s founder and creator of the waste-to-energy furnaces, as president. Westinghouse acquired 80% interest in O’Connor Combustor in 1983 and purchased the remaining 20% share held by O’Connor in December. Westinghouse spokesman Roy L. Morrow said that the appointment of Elmendorf “completes Westinghouse’s acquisition of the company.” O’Connor will continue to serve as a consultant to Westinghouse, Morrow said.
