
HOMETOWN GUIDE : Mammoth Lakes a la Carte : Out and About


Laws Railroad Museum. A locomotive, depot and old town buildings. U.S. 6, 4 1/2 miles north of Bishop, (619) 873-5950.

Mammoth Historical Museum. A log cabin housing photos and memorabilia of Mammoth Lakes history; open May to September. Mammoth Creek near Sierra Meadows Equestrian Center and Ski Touring Center, (619) 934-2731.

Paiute-Shoshone Indian Cultural Center. Exhibit depicting winter life of Payahu Nadu Indians; beadwork and petroglyph displays. Arts and crafts for sale. 2300 W. Line St., Bishop, (619) 873-4478.



Activities include fishing, hiking, boating, cross-country skiing and ski lessons, golf, ice skating, snowmobile riding, swimming, softball, horseshoes and BMX cycle track. For information, call (619) 934-2712.

High Sierra Ballooning. Hot-air balloon rides and ski flights. 201 S. Warren, Bishop, (619) 873-5838.

Inyo National Forest, Mammoth Ranger District. Summer programs and tours; wilderness permits; trail and pack station information. P.O. Box 148, Mammoth Lakes 93546, (619) 934-2505.


Mammoth Mountain Ski Area. Ski school, racing department, 32 ski lifts; gondola rides available to non-skiers. 1 Minaret Road, Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-2571.

Meet the Winemaker Gourmet Dinner Series. Dinners with representatives from California wineries, from July through November. Altitude 9000 Restaurant, Mammoth Mountain Inn, 1 Minaret Road, Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-2581.

Mono Lake Tufa State Reserve. Exposed lake bed containing calcium carbonate tufa structures. Ranger-guided nature walks available year-round. Off U.S. 395, Lee Vining, (619) 647-6331.


Rock Creek Winter Lodge. Backcountry skiing, races and clinics; courses in wilderness photography and snow camping; ski tours. Write Route 1, Box 5, Mammoth Lakes 93546, (619) 935-4464.

Sierra Meadows Equestrian Center and Ski Touring Center. Winter sleigh rides and summer hayrides followed by dinner; also cross-country skiing and ski lessons; guided trail rides. Old Mammoth and Sherwin Creek roads, Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-6161.

Sierra Bright Dot Guide Service. Guided fishing trips in the Eastern High Sierra. Write P.O. Box 9013, Mammoth Lakes 93546, or call (619) 934-7218.

Sierra Wave Sail Adventures. Sail board and catamaran rentals and instruction. June Lake, (619) 648-7812.

Wild Mustang Observation Trips. Pack trips into the Inyo National Forest, in May and June. Rock Creek Pack Station, Bishop, (619) 935-4493 or 872-8331.

Annual Events:


Five-Day Public Race Camp. Ski-racing instruction. Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, (619) 934-2571, Ext. 3242.



Deer Tour. Three-hour walk across Sherwin Grade Herd Winter Range to view deer. Round Valley (10 miles northwest of Bishop), (619) 872-1171.

Owens River Trout Derby. Fishing competition. Pleasant Valley Reservoir, seven miles north of Bishop, (619) 873-8405.

Sage Grouse Tour. Caravan to shore of Crowley Lake to view strutting ritual of sage grouse. Trip begins at Whitmore Road and U.S. 395, (619) 872-1171.


Trout season opens on the last Saturday of the month. (Year-round fishing in the Owens River downstream from Crowley Lake Dam.)


Mule Days. Mule races, dances, barbecues, crafts shows and a parade. Tri-County Fairground, Bishop, (619) 873-8405.


Chart House 10K Run. Along Old Mammoth Road and California 203, Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-2712.


Mammoth Motocross. Mammoth Mountain Ski Area, (619) 934-2571, Ext. 3242.

Professional Packing School. Training and practice in packing techniques in the wilderness. Rock Creek Pack Station, Bishop, (619) 872-8331 or 935-4493.


Bridgeport Historic July 4th Celebration. Parade, boxing contest, grease-pull contest and tug of war. Main Street, Bridgeport, (619) 934-2712.

Mammoth Cycling Classic. Stage race, bike rally and Redline BMX Classic. Various locations around the town of Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-2571, Ext. 3251.

Mammoth Gold Rush Days Celebration. Street dance, powder shoot, pancake breakfast, parade and barbecue. Various locations around the town of Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-2712.

Mammoth Lakes Open Tennis Tournament. Snowcreek Athletic Club, Old Mammoth Road and Club Drive, Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-8511.

Sierra Summer Festival. Crafts workshops and weekend performances of music and drama during July and August. At various locations in Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-2712.


Tri-County Fair. Tri-County Fairgrounds, Bishop, (619) 873-8405.


Mammoth Lakes Water-ski Championship. Two-round slalom tournament. Crowley Lake, (619) 934-2571, Ext. 3251.


Mammoth Air Show. Two-day event featuring acrobatic flying, sky divers, glider and balloon rides, flying-safety seminars and historic plane exhibit. Mammoth-June Lake Airport, (619) 934-2712.

Bishop Homecoming and Rodeo. Dances, horseshoe tournament, parade, rodeo, barbecue and pancake breakfast, during Labor Day weekend. Tri-County Fairgrounds, Bishop, (714) 872-4731.

Crowley Lake Power Boat Races. Races, boat parade and barbecue. Crowley Lake, (619) 873-8405.

Labor Day Arts and Crafts Festival. Show and sale of handmade items. Near the intersection of California 203 and Minaret Summit Road, (619) 934-2712.


Oktoberfest. Two-day traditional Bavarian celebration. Various locations around the town of Mammoth Lakes, (619) 934-2712.
