
Sharp, Noisy Earthquake Shakes Up Santa Barbara

A sharp, noisy earthquake jolted Santa Barbara early today, causing buildings to shake and residents to telephone local police, but causing no reported damage or injuries.

According to a spokeswoman for Caltech Seismological Laboratory in Pasadena, the temblor struck at 7:33 a.m. and measured 4.4 on the Richter scale. It was centered offshore, 10 miles southwest of Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara Police Officer Richard Abney said the quake’s vibrations lasted “about 60 seconds,” followed by a five-second aftershock about 20 minutes later. “I work on the second story of the building,” he said. “It was enough to rattle the pictures on the wall.”


Others described the earthquake as noisy. “I thought it was thunder because there was such a noise,” said Anna Villegas, receptionist at the Santa Barbara Chamber of Commerce. “Then my door rattled so hard I thought someone was breaking in. My door even partially opened.

“I just sat on the floor until it ended.”
