
Anti-Semitic Acts at USC

For 33 years I’ve been proud to be a member of Pi Beta Phi. I was president of my chapter at the University of Louisville in the 1950s and we had members in our house who were Jewish in my day. Over the years I’ve been active in alumnae affairs, serving as alumnae president several years.

I’ve been proud of Pi Beta Phi’s contribution to the role of modern women with scholarships for women returning to college after having children, divorce or new career needs. Pi Beta Phi has always aided the elderly with financial help. When trouble comes, it has led the way in reviving and sustaining the arts and crafts movement in the Tennessee Mountains, but today I am ashamed to be a Pi Beta Phi.

Three years ago I wrote letters to the USC chapter recommending a friend’s daughter--whom I love as my own. These friends are Jewish--as the saying goes “my best friends are Jewish.” How will I face them now?

I asked my husband after reading of the ignominious deeds what should I do. I feel like turning in my pin, resigning.

“No, you mustn’t do that--you must work from within to bring a new spirit.”

And so I am starting now--by stating publicly that today the Pi Phi arrow was shot and struck the hearts of many of us who care deeply that such wickedness is still a part of modern life.



Los Angeles
