
Canoga Park-to-Downtown Light Rail Link

Iattended the Los Angeles County Transportation public meeting recently at Birmingham High School. The purpose was to evaluate proposed routes for the light rail system running from Canoga Park to North Hollywood, where it would connect with the terminal subway station of the proposed Metro Rail.

But I really view this discussion as a moot debate for one essential reason--the value of a light rail system in the Valley is predicated entirely upon its ability to form a link with a downtown subway system.

If we are realistic, we must acknowledge that, in the wake of Gramm-Rudman budget cuts and in light of open opposition from President Reagan, the possibility of federal funding will become more and more remote. If we are to have a viable mass transit system before the end of the next decade, it is incumbent upon all of us to begin to wean ourselves from the federal breast and have a fallback position.


I believe LACTC and our elected public officials should support the extension of a Canoga Park-to-North Hollywood light rail system through Burbank and Glendale, along San Fernando Road and through Glassell Park, then around Dodger Stadium and into Union Station. This alignment would have substantial ridership and would make some sense. A light rail system to Nowhere does not!


Studio City
