
The Early Bird Catches Home Runs in Anaheim

It was a day I had long ago marked on my calender . . . Angel tickets were to go on sale to the general public at Anaheim Stadium.

And what do I find? That the Angel organization had graciously blocked off (as in off-limits) all seats, on all levels, between short right field and short left field. I drove 40 miles like a good early bird to sit in the outfield.

The Angels’ excuse? That all of the seats were already “spoken for.” Poppycock! We are talking about some 30,000 seats. This is just another example of the Angel organization’s insensitivity toward the average fan. I’m sure that most of the supposed “sold” seats will become available the day of each game when it becomes obvious that there are not enough tens of thousands of prospective season-ticket buyers as our greedy, money-grubbing Angels seem to hope for.


Unfair! Foul!


