
Woman Hit in Shooting Spree

A 35-year-old pregnant woman was shot in the left elbow Monday in what police believe was a squabble among gang members.

Gloria Haswood, described by police as a transient, was taken to Paradise Valley Hospital in National City, where a hospital spokeswoman said she was in stable condition. The spokeswoman did not know if the woman’s baby was injured.

Police Lt. Bill Becker said the woman and her boyfriend were walking to the county Welfare Department office at 4588 Market St. about 3:05 p.m., when the shooting began.


Becker said the gunman was with three men who are believed to be members of the Crips street gang. The four men apparently were driving past the welfare building when they noticed two other Crips gang members standing across the street.

Police said the men stepped out of their car and began throwing pieces of aluminum at the other men that they had taken from a parked pickup truck.

Haswood and her boyfriend were trying to avoid the flying metal by stepping into the welfare building when she was shot.


Police spokesman Bill Robinson said officers recovered three spent shells at the scene.

Members of the Police Department’s gang detail were searching for the six men Monday night.
