
Herman Graebe

The report of Herman Graebe’s death (April 21) recalls the actions of an extraordinarily courageous and resourceful man during World War II. Graebe has been rightfully honored as one of the few German Gentiles to have saved Jewish lives while millions of his countrymen did nothing and millions of others suffered unspeakable terrors.

Because of Herman Graebe, the world has a commanding example of the age-old teaching that to save one life is to save humanity. In his gift of life for a few, he has given the rest of us the opportunity to benefit from their contributions.

Even after 50 years, our understanding of all the forces involved in the Holocaust is still imperfect. In one area, however, our knowledge remains clearly deficient. We have yet to appreciate how those who survived--as well as their children and, by now, their grandchildren--have made our own lives better--in terms of science, literature, thought, art, commerce, and every other form of human activity.


That ever-unfolding chronicle ought now to be started. Only then will we truly know what people like Herman Graebe really meant to the world.


Los Angeles
