

As the widow of the late Kroger Babb, I was dismayed to learn that my late husband . . . “gave up a 28-year career as a publicist for RKO to roadshow Floyd Lewis’ classic ‘Mom and Dad.’ ”

Lewis was a minor employee of Kroger Babb, who hired him as a salesman.

Long after “Mom and Dad” had been shown worldwide, and after second and even third runs, Babb sold the rights to Erwin Joseph and Floyd Lewis and they continued to peddle it, along with a poor imitation of it which Joseph had made.

My husband was an original. He successfully exploited and sold many other productions that he had not made himself, notably “Poor White Trash,” which was a complete failure under its original title. After he retitled it and made up its campaign, it became a huge success.


Incidentally, my maiden name was Mildred Horn, and I wrote the original story of “Mom and Dad.” Your story about my husband was demeaning and made me sad to see him so poorly presented. Also, he never worked for RKO.


Palm Springs
