
Cabrillo Museum Worth a Visit

Let’s put Deborah Donahue’s letter (June 29) in perspective. With her kind of thinking, I should have another science museum closer to me. Or how about a zoo? It takes me almost an hour to get to the zoo, but that doesn’t stop me from going.

Putting another marine museum in the Los Angeles area would be the same as putting another zoo in Los Angeles. Cabrillo Marine Museum is an outstanding museum with many programs, tours and classes. I would only hope that those people who are upset about (not getting another marine museum) would come visit Cabrillo Marine Museum and see how great it really is. San Pedro is a lovely city. I feel that it’s significant that Cabrillo Marine Museum is located near the Los Angeles Harbor, rich in history and a future.

Some of the volunteers at Cabrillo Marine Museum come from a greater distance than (Donahue) would. Everyone would like to have places closer to them. However, since we can’t always have what we want, we should be thankful for what we already have. I hope that everyone who has not been to Cabrillo Marine Museum in the last five years will visit Cabrillo Marine Museum and see what they’ve been missing.



