
State Guidelines Better for Airport

The City Council of Long Beach is in an unenviable predicament. In its efforts to bring the noise levels at the municipal airport up to meet state government limits, it runs afoul of federal danger guidelines which require a minimum of 40 flights a day to give flight controllers something to do.

Having followed airport developments the past dozen years, I am beginning to suspect that the conflict might be resolvable. In the interest of responsible citizenship, however, I suggest the following, hoping that it benefits the community.

The council should come down firmly and resolutely in favor of the state government. A decision should be made forthrightly whether to increase the flights two every three months or eight at a time, and get those noise levels where the state government wants them.


A lot can be said for the federal plan to increase danger at the airport, and for sheer excitement the city could do worse as a means of waking up the tourists, but the principle of local control of local things cries out for a vote in favor of the state, if that is as local as we can get.


Long Beach
