
West Coast ‘Statue of Liberty’

Re Mayor Bradley’s idea for a Statue of Liberty West:

1--Many years ago I heard an even better idea on radio. I think it was Bishop Fulton J. Sheen who said, “Just as we have a Statue of Liberty on the East Coast to remind us of our privileges, so we should have a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast to remind us of our accompanying responsibilities.

2--It seems to me that the ideal location for such a monument would be on Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay.

3--Perhaps institutes or studies of liberty and responsibility could be established in appropriate locations, including on a number of university campuses. These studies could help all Americans to achieve a balanced and proper perspective of what it means to be an American in the 20th-21st Century.


4--Being both historical and practical, the Statue of Liberty was ideally placed for most of the immigrants to see it in an era when the majority of our immigration was legal and was through New York Harbor.

5--Now that the majority of our immigration is illegal and comes from the south, it would be honest and practical to place any proposed new statue somewhere along the Mexican border. Or perhaps there should be a series of mini-statues placed every mile or so.

6--As to what should be the message, symbolism, artistic style, location, method of financing, etc., etc.--those are subjects that are likely to stimulate considerable creativity, discussion, debate, controversy, etc.


7--In closing and seriously, just as that beautiful symbol in the East has inspired so many worthy emotions, words and deeds, an appropriate statue somewhere in the West might help to enhance our nation’s already lofty accomplishments and goals.


Van Nuys
