
Pico Rivera : Northrop Parking Ban

To curb Northrop employees from parking on residential streets, a special city committee has recommended a one-hour parking ban in the morning and afternoon in neighborhoods north of the aerospace plant. Residents have complained in recent months about Northrop employees blocking their driveways and crowding their streets by parking all day on city streets between Washington Boulevard and Carron Drive.

Employees say the Northrop parking lots are too far from their offices and that at quitting time it is easier to leave the plant on foot than by car. Although the council is not expected to take action on the issue until later this month, it appears that parking would be banned on the streets between 9 and 10 a.m. and 2 and 3 p.m. Under the plan, residents who live in the area will be able to apply for special permits allowing them to park on the streets during restricted hours.

The city is now surveying area residents to see if this alternative is acceptable while the staff studies the cost of enforcing the proposed parking ban.
