
Symphonic Discord

As a concerned symphony-goer living in San Diego, I have been following your series of articles about the San Diego Symphony. The horror story seems to have no end--presidents come and go, directors have a limited life in office, and the problems continue.

The board of directors seems to oscillate between frugality and grandeur with a lack of direction, motivation and knowledge. Mr. Richard Bass, the latest in the long list of executive directors to leave office, pointed out in his recent article in San Diego Magazine a failing on the part of the board to understand both music and musicians.

Should Mr. Bass’ observation prove to be true, there is probably not a sufficiently aware audience to support a full-fledged symphony in San Diego. This would be a tragic blow to those of us who love good music, as the orchestra has been well-rated by a critic no less severe than your own Mr. Martin Bernheimer.


If the current board cannot settle its differences with the able musicians of our orchestra, is it not time to consider the formation of the San Diego Philharmonic and get back to concerts in the Civic Center without the millstone of the white elephant known as Symphony Hall?


Chula Vista
