
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : Alhambra Utilities User Tax Supported

Seventy-four years ago an unsinkable ship was built. Since it could not be sunk, the builders decided that lifeboats were not needed for all passengers. That is why in 1912 when the Titanic sank more than 1,500 lives were lost.

The people who want to repeal the public utilities user tax in the Nov. 4 election are in the same boat. They are willing to drown the city of Alhambra by taking away our financial lifeboats. They are willing to sacrifice the safety, education and health of our citizens.

Our city is going through a great change, and we need more police protection, not less. Our Fire Department must stand strong, not be decimated. We must not take away educational facilities for our youths and senior citizens. We cannot let our residential and business areas fall into disrepair because of lack of proper maintenance. The average homeowner would like to save the $5 or $6 a month the repeal of this tax would give us, but there is a difference between saving money and being foolish.


Would you sacrifice your Police Department, Fire Department and educational facilities for $6 a month? Don’t sink our city. Vote no in November on Proposition 1.


