
Proposition 61: Salary Limits

There is an aspect of Proposition 61 that I do not think has been considered.

I was a Los Angeles County employee for 20 years.

Having been raised during the Depression, when “sick leave” was instigated in order that a man’s family would not starve should he become ill, I saved my sick leave. I did this, so that if, God forbid, I needed brain surgery, or had a long illness, I would have sick leave to fall back on.

On leaving county service, I had more than 100 sick days on the books. I was paid for this time at 50 cents on the dollar. This not only gave me a little “nest egg,” but the county also saved more than 50 days pay.

In this respect, I feel that Proposition 61 is grossly unfair as regards “sick leave” and vacation accrual.


If Proposition 61 passes, you can bet your bottom dollar, every public employee will be “sick” the allowed number of days per year and will create an added expense for government.


