
NATIONAL ELECTION RETURNS : EDITION-TIME COMPILATIONS : State-by-State Election Reports of Key Races and Issues : Michigan

Democratic Gov. James J. Blanchard swept to a landslide reelection victory, burying Republican William Lucas’ uphill struggle to become the nation’s first elected black governor.

Blanchard maintained the 35% lead that exit polls had given him over Lucas, a former FBI agent, former Democrat and outgoing chief executive of Detroit’s Wayne County. Pre-election polls showed Lucas favored by only 20% of blacks and 36% of the state’s whites, despite a strong endorsement from President Reagan.

Blanchard is a moderate liberal best known for his past congressional sponsorship of the loan bailout package that saved Chrysler Corp. from bankruptcy appeared headed for the biggest win in a gfovernor’s race in 58 years if the early projections are born out.
