
The State - News from Dec. 10, 1986

A Stockton couple were shot to death in an apparent robbery while driving to the city of Oaxaca in southern Mexico, police said. Joseph Reyes, 48, an U.S. citizen, and his wife, Esperanza Aquino de Reyes, 39, a U.S. resident, were killed by three men in civilian clothes who identified themselves as federal judicial police, said Vicencio Cruz-Morgan, commander of the state preventive police in Cuicatlan, 190 miles southeast of Mexico City on the main highway between Tehuacan and Oaxaca. He said the information came from Mrs. Reyes’ daughter, Laura Camacho, about 13. She was bound and gagged by the assailants and left in the car with her parents’ bodies in a wooded region, he said.
