
Save the Books Contributors

On Dec. 22, a two-page, Save the Books ad ran in your paper listing major contributors of money to the Save the Books campaign to raise $10 million to restore the 2.3 million volume collection of the Los Angeles Central Library.

One of those closest to Save the Books and without whose help we would not already have raised more than $5.5 million inadvertently was left off the list. The omission of the California Community Foundation was inexcusable and we beg forgiveness and understanding.

The California Community Foundation (CCF) has been an integral part of our campaign from the beginning. It and CCF President Jack Shakely, not only helped plan and execute key elements of the fund raising, but made a $100,000 challenge grant. In addition, they have throughout the campaign conducted the intricate task of stewarding the donations.


Had we had sufficient space in the ad we also would have listed the hundreds of others who donated their time and money to the campaign by doing volunteer work. Or by donating ad space on billboards and publications, and ad time on radio and TV. Or by making purchases from the Save the Books library memorabilia store and mail-order service. Or by just giving what they could afford to give.

To everyone who has helped Save the Books, we offer our heartfelt thanks.

As 1986 came to a close, we were more than halfway to our goal of raising $10 million. With the continued support of the community, we know we can complete our task, and give Los Angeles the world-class library it deserves.


Mayor of Los Angeles

Save the Books Co-chairman


ARCO Chairman

Chief Executive Officer

Save the Books Co-chairman
