
Arrest of Arabs Is a Political Move, Former Senator Says

Former Sen. James G. Abourezk (D-S.D.) charged Saturday that the arrests last week of eight Arab immigrants and a Kenyan in the Los Angeles area were orchestrated by the Reagan Administration in frustration over what he described as the White House’s failed policies in the Middle East.

“Unable to buy hostages with weapons to Iran anymore, unwilling to do anything serious about peace in the Middle East, Reagan and his crew of cowboys are lashing out again at the helpless and the vulnerable,” Abourezk said.

Abourezk’s remarks were made at the Ambassador Hotel, where he attended a fund-raising dinner of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, which he founded seven years ago. He said he planned to ask for a meeting with FBI Director William H. Webster on the case.


The nine individuals were arrested Monday. The government is seeking to deport them for allegedly engaging in subversive activities on behalf of a militant faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization group; three face lesser charges. All have denied belonging to the group.
