
Decrease in Gang Murders

In view of the recent publicity about the record level of gang-related killings in Los Angeles, it is indeed a pleasure to see The Times recognize that gang-related murders and violence is steadily declining in that unincorporated East Los Angeles area.

The Sheriff’s Department report that only four homicides in the area were found to be gang-related in 1986, a dramatic decrease from a high of 24 in 1978, is a most significant accomplishment.

Your editorial (Jan. 6), “Winning Against Gangs,” was right on the mark for its emphasis on coordination of anti-gang violence programs among local community groups, law enforcement and other public agencies and the efforts of the Community Youth Gang Services Project.

I am particularly pleased with your description of the gang service project effort and approach, which I felt would work in Los Angeles County when I introduced the project idea in 1980 after personally visiting the Philadelphia Anti-Gang Project and subsequent to chairing two consecutive days of public hearings on gang violence in October, 1980.


The dramatic reduction of gang killings in East Los Angeles should be attributed to the hard work and concern for saving young lives demonstrated by community groups such as the Federation of Barrios Unidos, Concerned Parents Organization, East Los Angeles Interagency Coordinating Committee, as well as by the sheriff’s, probation and other public agencies, and indeed, the Community Youth Gang Services Project. I salute their coordinated work and dedication to saving lives and for dramatically reducing gang-related violence in East Los Angeles.

I believe this effort can well serve as a model for other areas and jurisdictions, and I know this possibility is being pursued at the present time.

Hopefully, the results in East Los Angeles will be repeated Countywide and the excellent attention given to “Winning Against Gangs” by The Times will be the headlines of the future.



Supervisor, Third District

County of Los Angeles
