
How Would Media Have Treated Carter If He . . . ?

When one reads the complaints about how the media are criticizing President Reagan, one has to wonder how the media would have treated President Carter if he had done some of the things that Reagan has done:

1--What if under President Carter his Administration had doubled the national debt?

2--If Carter had sent the Marines to Lebanon to have some 260 of them be killed there when it was questionable whether they should have been there at all and when they were in an unprotected situation?

3--If Carter had been so inept and had made as many serious errors in press conferences as Reagan has made?


4--If President Carter had surrounded himself by such scoundrels as President Reagan has chosen for his assistants--just list all the Reagan appointees who have left office under a cloud?

5--If President Carter’s Administration had “disinformed” the press that we were getting ready to bomb Libya again?

6--If President Carter had gone to a summit with the Soviet leaders as unprepared as President Reagan obviously was?


Such a list of What If’s could go on and on!


