

Looks like Vanna White’s official autobiography--”Vanna Speaks,” due out from Warner Books May 21--won’t be alone. St. Martin’s Press is racing for a May release of “Vanna White”--the unauthorized portrait of the glamorous game-show card-turner. Said a St. Martin’s spokeswoman: “I guess we are in a deadline competition.”

Author Marianne Robin-Tani’s been getting next to no cooperation from Vanna’s family, friends and business associates, she told us. But--”I have not excluded a thing. I promise to tell all, including details of. . . .”

Robin-Tani’s paperback will go for $3.95; “Vanna Speaks” will retail in hardcover for $15.95. A spokeswoman for Warners is unperturbed by the cheaper rival: “The two books will speak for themselves. The least we can say is, ours is by Vanna White.”
