
Los Angeles’ Tap Water

Despite the recent Consumer Reports magazine ranking Los Angeles tap water the best tasting in the country and the start-up of a new, $146-million water filtration plant, we aren’t going to sit back and rest on our laurels. All of the water served to Los Angeles residents complies with all state and federal standards and action levels for drinking water quality and easily meets the standards for those that most affect safety.

However, I agree with Michael Balter (Editorial Pages, Jan. 15) that more still can be done to make the water even better. So, along with the staff of the city Department of Water and Power, we are continuing our efforts to provide the residents of Los Angeles with the highest water quality possible.

The completion of the new filtration plant is just one of many water quality improvements under way and planned by the DWP. These projects frequently require several years before they are completed, with the amount of planning and construction necessary.


With the new filtration plant and the many more water quality improvement programs slated, I am even more confident that there is no excuse or need to continue the practice of purchasing bottled water for City Hall workers. I already have initiated steps to discontinue this practice, which will save the citizens of Los Angeles approximately $150,000 a year.

The highly professional staff of the Department of Water and Power, working with elected officials, is dedicated to fulfilling the growing needs of the city and committed to providing its residents with water of the highest possible quality.


Mayor of Los Angeles
