

I really feel secure having read your 6 1/2-page coverage of ABC’s “Amerika” (“Life in Real Red America,” by Lawrence Christon, Feb. 15). I’m so glad you’ve made Calendar a political forum, pushing unimportant stories like the Academy Award nominations down to half a page and overlooking a Liberace memorial altogether.

Imagine the likes of Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Henry Kissinger ducking interviews with your reporter? Are we to believe they had more important things on their minds than a TV show they hadn’t seen? Poppycock!

While this new trend is exciting, I think you’ve missed a tie-in. For the last month you’ve published a platoon of letters on Jane Fonda and the Vietnam War. By dropping Stage, Art and Music, you could devote an entire Calendar to Fonda’s reaction to “Amerika.”


Visualize a series of articles emanating from the Fonda/Hayden living room during the showing of each episode. There would be Jane, crying, sobbing, cheering, or simply trying to decide what to wear when the Russians invade. . . . Now that’s entertainment!


Woodland Hills
