
Unraveling of Iran-Contra-White House Tangle

The time has come for the President to resign! If we seriously accept the various explanations of his actions in the Iranian arms deal, we can only conclude that he is incapable of making decisions that concern our country’s welfare.

His first statement admitting that he authorized the transfer of arms evoked anger. His subsequent denial, confusion . And now, his admission that he couldn’t remember arouses only pity --pity for a man who occupies the highest office in the land and thinks it inconsequential not to recall one of the most important foreign policy decisions ever to confront him.

America can never stand tall again with Ronald Reagan--not even if he wears 7-league cowboy boots. Just once more for the Gipper, do this for your country--resign, Mr. President. Retire. But do so while you still have some shred of personal dignity--or the office you leave will be shorn of it.



Palm Springs
