
Disney Attractions to Move Corporate Offices From Park

Walt Disney Attractions, the unit of the Walt Disney Co. that operates its amusement parks, plans to move its corporate offices out of Anaheim’s Disneyland park and into an office tower in Garden Grove this summer.

The move will involve most of the units’s marketing and entertainment divisions. The finance, wardrobe and employee relations departments will remain at Disneyland, which has been the site of the unit’s headquarters since 1955.

The new corporate offices will be located in 63,000-square-feet of space at the Plaza Alicante’s Plaza Tower building.


The Walt Disney Attractions unit includes the staffs of Disneyland and Florida’s Walt Disney World. About 200 employees--or one-quarter of Disneyland’s management staff--will move to the new Garden Grove offices.

“We’re just running out of space” at Disneyland, said a spokesman.

Walt Disney Attractions signed a three-year lease for the site, Disney officials declined to disclose the value of the lease.
