
Deukmejian’s Stand on OSHA

As a voting taxpayer, I ask why won’t Gov. George Deukmejian listen to the voices of industry, labor, the public and the Legislature that keep asking for the continuation of the Cal/OSHA program, which is the recognized model worldwide.

The superiority of the Cal/OSHA program to the federal Occupational, Safety and Health Administration program has been indicated in the many articles in the media, as well as at the legislative hearings. Therefore, duplication is not presently an issue and in fact would only become an issue if Cal/OSHA was abolished.

To illustrate, Cal/OSHA currently does inspections of public agency contracts. These involve employees of both the government agency (e.g. district, city, county, state, etc.), as well as the private employer (e.g. contractor). If the federal OSHA took over inspection of private employers (e.g. contractors), Cal/OSHA would still be inspecting the government employees at the project. Conceivably, both agencies could be on an interstate highway construction project inspecting the same unsafe condition exposing both private and government employees. This would truly be duplication then, similar to what was experienced in early 1974 in California.


A small portion of the surplus funds available now can easily be used to fund the approximately $5.5 million from the general budget, plus the $2.5 million in permits and penalties, for the $8 million need for Cal/OSHA.

I urge Deukmejian to listen to Californians--the voters who put him in office.


