
‘Lower the Ante in the Gulf ‘

I agree with the views Robert E. Hunter expressed in his article (Editorial Pages, May 19), “Lower the Ante in the Gulf.” He does not think we should fly the U.S. flag over Kuwaiti tankers. Aside from scoring some brownie points with a country that wants the best of both worlds with support from both the United States and the Soviet Union, we would accomplish nothing.

What would the Reagan Administration do if a Kuwaiti tanker, carrying the U.S. flag, was hit by Iraq? Well, if we do nothing when they blindly attack one of our warships, we will probably do nothing in the future. What would Iraq say when confronted with the attack on tankers flying our flag? “We did not see it.” So with Iran, it appears to me that this will accomplish nothing.

If Iran did something like attack a ship with an American flag, we probably would unleash an air attack on them, prompting terrorism against U.S. citizens as a reprisal. We have nothing to gain, save a few brownie points, and everything to lose by flying the U.S. flag over Kuwaiti tankers.


Instead of attempting to be the world policeman, we should establish an international force of ships dedicated to keeping the oil flowing. Where is Japan, which gets 90% of its oil from this region? Where is Western Europe? We must ask them for assistance. I am tired of seeing Americans die for others’ benefits. I don’t deny our need of the free flow of oil, but there are others who should be helping us, instead of riding in our wake.


