
Pomona : College Plans Expansion

Pomona College has announced plans to construct new buildings, renovate and expand others and demolish Holmes Hall and Harwood and Olney dining halls.

College spokesmen said a new administration building is planned on the site of Holmes Hall in the center of campus, consolidating offices now in three other buildings. A teaching theater with an auditorium, studios and offices is planned at Bonita and Amherst avenues. A dormitory for 80 students is proposed on the site of Harwood and Olney dining halls. Memorial Gymnasium will be expanded to provide space for new courts, locker rooms and faculty offices.

Holmes Hall, Pomona College’s first classroom building, was built in 1892, and Harwood and Olney dining halls were built in the 1930s. College spokesmen said the buildings have been declared structurally unsafe and the dining halls have been unused for several years.
