
Dodger Fans Paying and Suffering

I do not know about you, but I am sick and tired of the whole Dodger organization. From Mike Marshall’s never-ending back problems, to Pedro Guerrero’s cockiness and big mouth, to especially the cheapness of owner Peter O’Malley.

The saddest thing of all is that we fans are accepting this. Sure, we say they stink and will probably finish behind San Diego, and, sure, the media is ripping the team to shreds, but we are still attending games. Do you realize what that does? That gives Mr. O’Malley a very handsome salary at the end of each year, while us fans get a fifth-place finish.

Do you really think O’Malley will spend a dime to improve the team if he is making a profit each year? I know I wouldn’t if I were him. But, I’m not him, I’m a fan. In fact, a loyal one who has boycotted every Dodger game this year. I went to 30 games last year and 35 the year before, but I will not go to another one as long as O’Malley has this attitude.


It’s time to boycott Dodger games. If O’Malley gives us a fifth-place finish, we can give him a loss in the income statement. It’s only fair.


Beverly Hills
