
On Accusations Against Trustees

It is with interest that I read “letters to the editor” suggesting that Orange Unified School District Board of Education members resign rather than face their accusers in a courtroom. Are we asking these longstanding public servants to quit because of unsubstantiated allegations made by a few special-interest groups who feel they have an ax to grind?

As a result of the charges brought against them by the county grand jury, the lives and careers of these four individuals have been ruined. Nowhere has it been even suggested that they might be innocent of “willful misconduct.” If they’re accused, it seems, it automatically follows that they are guilty.

I know each of these people personally and have found them to possess a great deal of integrity in exercising the responsibilities they were elected to perform.


Isn’t it interesting that no superintendent, department head or other individual (excepting the four facing criminal charges) are being held responsible for the conduct of the employees? The Board of Education is a policy-making body and the carrying out of these policies is generally left to those hired to administer district affairs. It therefore seems to me that these allegations of willful misconduct are politically motivated to appease the special-interest groups.

Taking the actions of the grand jury and the district attorney, together with the media looking for a scapegoat, why would anyone want to run for school board, or any public office, in the future?


